To prevent gravely ill citizens and death, building a medical post early is very important as the player will not acquire additional citizens in the future.The Hothouse is also a very high priority research item since you can't hunt with engineers. Other than researching the Beacon, ensuring that heaters and/or steam hubs are researched prior to the second temperature drop is important to prevent the seedlings in the Arks from freezing to death.Exploring should be high priority, as the large resource spikes they deliver will allow you to get automatons quicker.Since you'll be building at least four of them, and probably more, Streamlined Automatons can save a lot of resources, but the automatons themselves should take priority. A single automaton requires 100 steel, 100 wood, 50 coal, and one steam core. You will not find any more people than those you start with, except for a single worker, so you should be very careful to avoid letting them die, and try to get automatons produced as quickly and as often as possible.Send 2000 Food Rations and 2 Automatons.Have at least 6 Automatons working in the city.Send 600 Steel, 600 Wood and 1 Automaton.Scout the Frostland and find New Manchester before the storm.Acquisition: Acquired when the scout from New Manchester arrives around day 15.If this event fires too late, it will not be possible to retrieve some cores before the storm hits. Note: This seems to trigger after a certain number of cores are spent.Acquisition: Acquired if you run out of Steam Cores.Employ at least 1 automatons in the Raw Food industry.

Employ at least 1 automatons in the Wood industry.

Employ at least 1 automatons in the Steel industry.